General Myths

After decades of discussions around the Jackson allegations, a lot of myths based on distortions and false information has become part of the debate.  

Myth #1:
“The FBI researched Michael Jackson for 10 years and they found no evidence!”

Its a widespread claim that FBI had researched Michael Jackson for 10 years. In reality they only assisted the Santa Barbara Police in their investigation on the Neverland raids in 1993 and 2003. As is common knowledge the Santa Barbra Police thought it was guilty, as they tried to charge him in 1993 and finally managed to charge him in 2003 with a 5-6 months trial in 2006.

FBI released a file on him.

Myth #2:
“He was proven innocent in court!”

He was not “proven innocent” in 2005, but he was not found guilty, meaning the jury didn’t find enough evidence to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt. That doesn’t mean they all thought he was innocent, in fact 3 of 12 jurors came out later saying they regretted the decision. 

Myth #3:
“All his accusers were only after money!”

Terry George told his story about Jackon but didn’t want money. 

The Arvizos in 2005 were never proven to be about money. They never asked for money and didn’t get any money. The case was a criminal case, so even if they had won they would not get money. The mother Janet Arvizo would repeatedly say she thought of Jackson’s money as «devils money», and said she didn’t want a cent of it. Jackson’s defenders claim its easier to claim for a criminal trial first then a civil court afterwards, but that is wrong. There’s less burden of proof going into a civil trial for money at first. 

[More information]

Jordan Chandler and his family was suing Michael Jackson. They agreed on a 18-20 million dollar settlement out of court because psychiatrists warned the parents of the psychological effects of their child going through such a trial in front of the world, and Jordan had already showed signs of being suicidal. 

While it might seem wrong to take money instead of getting an abuser of their child in jail, it is a two-edged sword: Jackson also looks equally bad for giving someone 20 million dollar in exchange of their silence. Yes, the settlement was under the agreement neither Jordan nor his parents were ever allowed to talk about the allegations anymore in public. 

Jason Francia also got an out of court settlement of 1-4 million dollars. It was also under the deal that he wouldn’t be allowed to talk.  

Wade Robson and James Safechuck as well as Jane Doe
(anonymous woman as of yet) has sued for money for the lasting effects of what they went through. Wade Robson has claimed he would have gained it affected his work as an performer and director if the lasting impacts of his abuse closed a lot of doors for him and had economic costs. This is why he sued for money. Safechuck and Jane Doe has similar stories of lost economical. While it makes sense Jackson defenders have «Its all for money!» its actually common for abuse victims to seek compensation for their abuse which can have terrible effect on your life. 
The documentary “Leaving Neverland» which featured both Wade Robson and James Safechuck was according to the director unpaid work. 

2019 accuser Michal Jacobshagen has not asked for money as of yet. 

Myth #4
“Michael was just a child himself. He didn’t have a childhood. Therefore he seeked innocent relationship with children.”

There’s a common perspective when people are asked if they think Michael Jackson was guilty of these things, and that is the prospective that Michael Jackson was just a big naive sweet child himself. 

There’s quotes by Jackson saying he related more with children than adults. Him sleeping in bed with children is compared to a children having slumberparties. Yet, many people who worked at Neverland has testified there were children sleeping over almost every night at Neverland, and he also brought children as as «travel companions» on tours. 
Some even add to this that Michael Jackson was an asexual. Someone with no interest in sex what so ever. He had an enormous pornography collection. 

While there’s an argument to be had Michael Jackson wasn’t normal like other people, and that some eccentricies should be viewed with caution, please keep in mind that the police found a very large collection of pornography in his bedroom. This combined with some maids and others confirming he gave children alcohol.  

His bed was analysed and has sperm marks from several different males. 
It should also be noted that some pedophiles are known to have the same reputation. Them being childlike and preferring children as peers in other ways that just sexually.

There’s a common perspective when people are asked if they think Michael Jackson was guilty of these things, and that is the prospective that Michael Jackson was just a big naive sweet child himself.  

There’s quotes by Jackson saying he related more with children than adults. Him sleeping in bed with children is compared to a children having slumberparties. Yet, many people who worked at Neverland has testified there were children sleeping over almost every night at Neverland, and he also brought children as as «travel companions» on tours. 
Some even add to this that Michael Jackson was an asexual. Someone with no interest in sex what so ever. He had an enormous pornography collection. 

While there’s an argument to be had Michael Jackson wasn’t normal like other people, and that some eccentricies should be viewed with caution, please keep in mind that the police found a very large collection of pornography in his bedroom. This combined with some maids and others confirming he gave children alcohol.  

His bed was analysed and has sperm marks from several different males. 
It should also be noted that some pedophiles are known to have the same reputation. Them being childlike and preferring children as peers in other ways that just sexually. 

Myth #5:
“Michael Jackson was castrated / an asexual”

There’s a common myth he was castrated when he was young by his father, but his autopsy does not show this.

For an asexual man he owned a lot of pornography.  

“Its unfair to accuse Michael Jackson now, because he is dead and not here to defend himself anymore!”

In general victims should be able to come forward with their story when they feel ready for it. Just because its a very famous and perhaps beloved person a lot of people love that shouldn’t be an exception. If the claims are believable or not is a different question, but people should be allowed to get their stories heard.  

When it comes to Wade Robson and James Safechuck they actually do hit the age when male abuse victims comes about, in their 30s. Its not their fault Michael Jackson happened to die in 2009. 

Beyond that the earlier allegations did exist while Jackson was alive, remember he was at a trial in 2005 and had two other allegations against him in the 90s. Michael Jackson’s silence on the allegations has been quite remarkable. 
Michael Jackson plead the fifth in 2005, meaning he didn’t want to testify. Sometimes pleading the fifth is considered a sign of guilt, as its usually only obvious criminals who often plead the fifth so they won’t have to explain themselves. While this doesn’t mean in itself he was guilty it is odd that when your whole career and freedom is at stake because of a relationship with a child, you don’t want to give your side of the heated story or let the prosecution test you on hard questions. If he didn’t have anything to hide this is very strange. Most people would be desperate to explain their side of the story if it was a false allegation against them. 
What did Michael Jackson say when he was alive?

Very little. Michael Jackson released announcements in 1993 and one in 2005, both very sparse on his actual relationships with the accusers. Especially the one in 2005 where all he had to say was that he helped a family, not commenting on that they had the family at Neverland for two months as a result of the Bashir documentary where they claimed they were held captive. 

The best you can get is his interview with 60 Minutes, an interview that was post-poned many times due to his lawyers worry he would say something damning, the 60 Minutes crew for example were at Neverland to interview him but was sent back after many hours of waiting according to Ed Bradley. The inteview happened eventually many months later. In his interview he would repeat that he slept in bed with many unrelated children and defend it, just like he did in the Martin Bashir documentary earlier, contradicting many fans frustrated claim he was only edited or set up to say these things by Martin Bashir. 

While the trial was planned in 1993 lawyers commented that he was informed by Jackson’s lawyers he would plead the fifth there too. Its possible if Jackson was still alive and sued by Safechuck and Robson he may simply have plead the fifth once again, and spent his time instead telling everyone how much he loved children and how much he has done for children. 

“Michael Jackson had a huge record of helping children, and he said he would never harm them.”

Indeed Michael Jackson seemed to spend a lot of time thinking and caring about children. On tour he would visit orphanages and children’s hospitals all the time, and he seemed to have given a lot of money to children charities, he often spoke about children, and indeed a lot of his image seemed to be about children. He called his ranch Neverland, after the Peter Pan story of never growing up. 
We won’t deny Michael was a complex person, and the image he presented seems to contradict the allegations against him. 

We don’t want to get too far into armchair psychologist territory. People have to make up their own mind about this. 
We can line out two possible ways of seeing this (based on how other pedohiles think). 

A) His claim of loving children and innocence was a smokescreen for his sexual predation, and a lot of his pro-children actions were himself convincing to both the public AND himself that what he did with children was out of love, or to make the public believe he loved children so much it would be impossible to believe he was a multiple child molester. 

B) He actually really loved children, and cared as much for them as he said he did, but he also saw physical and sexual contact with children as innocent and just misunderstood. This is not uncommon to hear pedophiles say, and there even exists political voices like NAMBLA who argues like this. 
We think it can be a complex combination of A and B. 

It has to be mentioned that a lot of pedophiles don’t think being sexual with children is «harming” the children, so that is important to keep in mind when you read quotes about Michael Jackson denying he would never harm a child. The accusers of Michael don’t mention physical pain or rape in the violent form, but instead they describe a method of grooming with gifts, guilt, brainwashing and manipulation to get to his victims, followed by checks and perhaps subtle threats from himself or some of his employees. Michael matches what experts term “nice guy molesters».

“But Michael Jackson seemed so nice and innocent. I can’t imagine him violently raping someone.” 

Child molestation and rape are often conflated to a degree that is unfortunate. 
When people picture «rape” they picture someone who is being forced to have sex against their will and by physical force. 

None of Jackson’s alleged victims explained Jackson as someone who used physical force. Instead he seemed to have used a very sly method of grooming, manipulation and perhaps guilt. To keep victims quiet he could scare them to think they would get into trouble as much trouble as he would did («We will both be arrested»), and even make his victim think they were the ones initiating it. 

An unfortunate truth, and to some degree a disturbing truth, with child abuse is that children sometimes end up enjoying their abuse, even initiating it in later stages, which is part of what makes them question later if it really was child abuse or not. This seem to have been the case with some of Jackson’s victims, like Wade Robson. The facts are still that they are under legal age and unable to consent, and they only ended up in this situation due to Jackson brainwashing them in the first place. 

Child molesters sharply «cut off» their victims after puberty, abandoning the «caretaker/father»-figure role the victims thought they had with them. Sometimes replaced by new younger victims, because the pedophile loses interest in their victims after a certain age. This is another big reason sexual child abuse can have lasting psychological impacts. Sometimes the shock of the abandonment can be just as bad as the abuse, if not even worse. 

Since he was a megastar and a high profile celebrity with a lot of money he was an easy target for anyone who want money.” 

While this is typical rethoric from people defending Michael Jackson, this is actually almost the opposite of the truth. Going up against rich people with a high celebrity status is not easier, but many times harder. 

Celebrities with a lot of money usually have a lot of money which means they can buy the best legal teams to acquit them from any charges. Another thing is that going up against beloved musicians or celebrities can be highly risky because they usually have hordes of fans ready believe whatever they say.  Jackson has had a very dedicated fanbase who’s been 100% certain Jackson is innocent and harmed by false allegations, making them feel its justified to stalk, smear and threaten his accusers. Its more likely these factors make victims more silent than to come forward.
There’s also a shortage of examples of known false accusations of parents using children to get money by lying a high profile celebrity sexually abused. Its not a common business model. 

Why wasn’t he found guilty at his trial in 2005?

This is a very big question. This site will explain very carefully what happened in 2005, because there’s an abundance of things to address.
In short the jury said they didn’t find enough evidence to convinct him. That doesn’t mean they all thought he was innocent, in fact 3 of 12 jurors came out later saying they regretted the decision. 

It seems the conspiracy charge confused many people, in fact most people are not sure what the accusation was about. Many didn’t find the mother of Gavin Arvizo credible and some of the jury wanted unreasonably hard evidence if they were going to send Michael Jackson to jail.

Its important to stress that none of the jury expressed the accusation was an obvious moneygrab. They just weren’t convinced about the narrative.  

Why do so many people think he’s innocent if he’s actually not if the allegations has existed since the early 90s?”

Its no fun accepting any childhood icon or famous person
has a dark side. Its possible a lot of people can’t accept it. Especially fans. 

Keeping a huge legacy sacred is important. Its possible if the world accepted Jackson as a child molester many medias would stop playing his music. Fans understand that a whole legacy is at risk. 

Another thing that directly hurts the fan of Michael Jackson is that his image had so much to do with loving and helping children. He almost couldn’t shut up about children, and he would talk about how he was visiting childrens orphanages, how he cared about children suffering all over the world, how he wanted to adopt children in need and so on. Obviously being a child molester and a pedophile on top of that doesn’t mix well. 

His fanbase is very dedicated and they have made all information very dense and impenetrable. Meaning if someone will allege Jackson is guilty they have information and resources for days to exhaust critics. They may also smear critics just like the they try to smear accusers. It can almost seem like they see attacks on Michael Jackson as an attack on themselves because he’s such a big part of their identity. This despite almost all of them not knowing much about Michael Jacksons privatelife at all. Most people don’t have the time or interest to penetrate through the fan adjusted stories of the events to understand what really happened. 

Its almost a full time job to read up on everything, and most people who has a hunch he may not be innocent will not care to spend all their days figuring things out. This is why this site was made. You can read most of it in a day, and find easy answers. 

Victor Gutierrez is the mastermind behind all the allegations
